
Wissen teilen: Wir veröffentlichen – auch in internationaler Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Parkinson-Expert:innen – wissenschaftliche Studien und Fachartikel.
Neurological Research and Practice
Lummer, C., Eggers, C., Becker, A., Demandt, F., Warnecke, T. (2024). Interdisciplinary network care collaboration in Parkinsons’s disease: A baseline evaluation in Germany. In: Neurological Research and Practice, 6/2024.
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Carina Lummer, Carsten Eggers, Andreas Becker, Fenja Demandt, Tobias Warnecke
Interdisciplinary network care collaboration in parkinsons’s disease: a baseline evaluation in germany
The strengthening of interdisciplinary care collaboration in Parkinson’s disease is taking on increasing importance in daily medical routine. Therefore, care providers worldwide are organizing themselves in disease-specific regional network structures. However, the existing networks are heterogeneous, and the driving key players are yet unidentified. To systematically identify key factors of the composition of health care professionals, who are initially interested in the development of a Parkinson network for interdisciplinary care collaboration, their motivation, and expectations, a basic evaluation was conducted in three different German regions.
Valentin P. Pim, Carsten Eggers, Bastiaan R. Bloem, David Grimes, Jennifer Goldman, Jennifer McGinley, Joan Gardner, Maria Elisa Pimentel Piermonte, Nabila Dahodwala, Laua Brennan, Robert Iansek, Norbert Kovacs, Sotirios Parashos, Ariela Hilel and Roopa Rajan
Validation of the Rainbow Model of Integrated care measurement tool in Parkinson’s disease
Integrated care is essential for improving the management and health outcomes for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD); reliable and objective measures of care integration are few. The results provide evidence for the construct validity and other psychometric properties of the provider version of the RMIC-MT to measure integrated care in PD.
In: Movement Disorders
Interdisciplinary network care collaboration in parkinsons’s disease: a baseline evaluation in germany
Valentijn, P.P., Eggers, C., Bloem, B.R., Grimes, D., Goldman, J., McGinley, J., Gardner, J., Piemonte, M.E.P., Dahodwala, N., Brennan, L., Iansek, R., Kovacs, N., Parashos, S., Hilel, A., Rajan, R. and (2023), Validation of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care Measurement Tool in Parkinson’s Disease. Mov Disord, 38: 1253-1261.
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In: Die Innere Medizin
Warnecke, T., Lummer, C., Rey, J.W. et al. Parkinson-Krankheit. Innere Medizin 64, 131–138 (2023).
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Tobias Warnecke, Carina Lummer, Johannes Wilhelm Rey, Inga Claus und Dieter Lüttje
Die Parkinson-Krankheit
Die Parkinson-Krankheit (PK) ist das eindrücklichste Beispiel für eine effektiv therapierbare neurodegenerative Erkrankung mit langanhaltender stabiler Symptomkontrolle und Lebensqualität. Der Zusammenarbeit von Neurologen mit Hausärzten, Gastroenterologen und Geriatern kommt immer größere Bedeutung zu. Neue Diagnosekriterien für die PK, aber auch für differenzialdiagnostisch zu erwägende atypische Parkinson-Syndrome beziehen nichtmotorische Symptome ein und haben das Ziel der möglichst frühen Diagnosestellung. Das Management der PK bei geriatrischen Patienten sowie der Parkinson-Demenz erfordert spezifisches Wissen. Die PK ist weltweit eine Modellkrankheit für die Entwicklung von Netzwerkstrukturen zur Versorgung chronisch-neurologischer Erkrankungen.
Katharina Achtert, Tessa Huchtemann, Maria Altendorf, Linda Kerkemeyer, Malte Haring, Carina Lummer, Lena Frenz, Theresa Becking, Jonas Friedmann, Philip Mildner, Katharina Schwarze, Lars Steinhaus, Volker Amelung and Tobias Warnecke
Design and implementation of ParkinsonAKTIV: an interventional study to evaluation the effectiveness of a novel online platform to guide quickcard-based treatment decisions
Patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) require an all-encompassing and individualized care including pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological treatment approaches, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech and swallowing therapy. ParkinsonAKTIV is an innovative, multidisciplinary, and comprehensive approach to guide this non-pharmacological PD treatment in northwestern Germany. Its online communication platform called JamesAKTIV has been developed to enhance and standardize PD healthcare professionals‘ communication. Results from the ParkinsonAKTIV study will provide first practice-oriented evidence and a roadmap for implementation of an online tool for a comprehensive, multidisciplinary care PD network for patients and their caregivers in routine care in Germany.
In: Neurol Res Pract.
Achtert, K., Huchtemann, T., Altendorf, M., Kerkemeyer, L., Haring, M., Lummer, C., Frenz, L., Becking, T., Friedmann, J., Mildner, P., Schwarze, K., Steinhaus, L., Amelung, V., & Warnecke, T. (2023). Design and implementation of ParkinsonAKTIV: an interventional study to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel online platform to guide quickcard-based treatment decisions. Neurological research and practice, 5(1), 23.
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In: J Parkinsons Dis
Kerkemeyer, L., Claus, I., Kutscher, M., von Stülpnagel, V., Zur Nieden, P., PNM + steering committee, Huchtemann, T., & Warnecke, T. (2022). Strengthening Communication and Collaboration in the Fragmented German Healthcare System: A Mixed-Method Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Network for Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Parkinson’s disease, 12(4), 1307–1317.
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Linda Kerkemeyer, Inga Claus, Michelle Kutscher, Vanessa von Stülpnagel, Pauline zur Nieden, PNM+ steering committee, Tessa Huchtemann and Tobias Warnecke
Strengthening communication and collaboration in the fragmented German healthcare system: A mixed-method evaluation of an interdisciplinary network for Parkinson’s disease
To improve Parkinson’s disease (PD) care, interdisciplinary and patient-centered treatment is mandatory. A key problem in many healthcare systems is the limited and unspecific communication among different healthcare professionals. Optimal collaboration between various professionals involved is indispensable. Parkinson’s Network Münsterland + (PNM +) is an interdisciplinary network of medical and non-medical experts involved in the treatment of PD patients in Germany. PNM+ stimulated exchange between different healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of PD patients. This overcomes specific barriers within Germany’s highly fragmented healthcare system, such as the lack of communication between these disciplines.
Olaf Rose, Svenja Happe, Tessa Huchtemann, Constanze Mönig, Michael Ohms, Oliver Schwalbe, Tobias Warnecke and Susanne Erzkamp
Enhancing medication therapy in Parkinson’s disease by establishing an interprofessional network including pharmacists
Background Optimizing therapy regimens through collaboration and combination of available resources is a promising approach to improve quality of life for patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of this project was to enhance patient-oriented therapy and interprofessional collaboration by establishing a regional PD network.
In: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Rose, O., Happe, S., Huchtemann, T., Mönig, C., Ohms, M., Schwalbe, O., Warnecke, T., & Erzkamp, S. (2021). Enhancing medication therapy in Parkinson’s disease by establishing an interprofessional network including pharmacists. International journal of clinical pharmacy, 43(3), 441–448.
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In: Nervenarzt
Eggers C, Wellach I, Groppa S, Strothjohann M, Klucken J. Versorgung von Parkinson-Patienten in Deutschland: Status quo und Perspektiven im Spiegel des digitalen Wandels [Care of patients with Parkinson’s disease in Germany: status quo and perspectives as reflected in the digital transition]. Nervenarzt. 2021 Jun;92(6):602-610.
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Carsten Eggers, Ingmar Wellach, Sergiu Groppa, Martin Strothjohann und Jochen Klucken
Versorgung von Parkinson-Patienten in Deutschland: Status quo und Perspektiven im Spiegel des digitalen Wandels
Die Parkinson-Krankheit als chronische neurodegenerative Erkrankung bedarf eines engen Zusammenspiels verschiedener Fachdisziplinen, um eine bestmögliche Lebensqualität der Patienten zu gewährleisten. Ein immer wieder identifiziertes Problem ist die insuffiziente Kommunikation zwischen den Protagonisten (z. B. „caregiver“, Ärzte und Therapeuten), insbesondere an den Sektorengrenzen Vor dem Hintergrund des neuen Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetzes (DVG) und den damit erstmalig rückfinanzierten, digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGAs) können sich nun erstmals innovative, digitale Versorgungs- und Kommunikationsstrukturen etablieren und haben das Potenzial, damit die Versorgung chronischer Erkrankungen, wie z. B. der Parkinson-Krankheit, umfassend zu verändern.
Marlena van Munster, Lars Tönges, Kai Löwenbrück, Tobias Warnecke and Carsten Eggers
Building a Parkinson Network – Experiences from Germany
Parkinson’s disease is a complex neurodegenerative disease that can be best treated with a multi-disciplinary care approach. Building care networks has been shown as a useful tool to facilitate the integration of care services and improve outcomes for patients and care providers. However, experiences and practices relating to building a network are very limited in the field of Parkinson’s disease. This paper portrays existing Parkinson networks in Germany.
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine
van Munster, M., Tönges, L., Loewenbrück, K. F., Warnecke, T., & Eggers, C. (2020). Building a Parkinson-Network-Experiences from Germany. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(9), 2743.
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In: Movement Disorders
Rajan, R., Brennan, L., Bloem, B.R., Dahodwala, N., Gardner, J., Goldman, J.G., Grimes, D.A., Iansek, R., Kovács, N., McGinley, J., Parashos, S.A., Piemonte, M.E.P. and Eggers, C. (2020), Integrated Care in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mov Disord, 35: 1509-1531.
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Roopa Rajan, Laura Brennan, Bastiaan R. Bloem, Nabila Dahodwala, Joan Gardner, Jennifer G. Goldman, David A. Grimes, Robert Iansek, Norbert Kovács, Jennifer McGinley, Sotirios A. Parashos, Maria E.P. Piemonte and Carsten Eggers
Integrated care in Parkinson’s disease
Quality of life in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is affected by motor and nonmotor symptoms, necessitating an integrated care approach. Existing care models vary considerably in numerous domains. Outpatient integrated PD care models may improve patient-reported health-related quality of life compared with standard care; however, because of variable methodological approaches and a high risk of bias related to inherent difficulties in study design (eg, blinding of participants and interventionists), generalizability of these results are difficult to establish. The Rainbow Model of Integrated Care is a promising method of evaluating elements and levels of integration from individual patient care to population health in a PD context.
Linda Kerkemeyer, Katharina Achtert, Inga Claus, Svenja Happe, Jeannette Overbeck, Nadine Kleen, Anja Palesch, Clara Schmuck, Sabrina Krouß, Jürgen Perick, Luisa Depenbrock, Michael Nagel, Frank Siebecker, Olaf Rose and Tobias Warnecke
Quickcard-based approach to guiding specific nonpharmacological treatments in a German Parkinson’s Network
Interdisciplinary care has been shown to be effective at optimizing the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease. An optimized collaboration between the various healthcare providers involved in the treatment process facilitates successful care. One of the main shortcomings in the German healthcare system is the limited and unstandardized communication between practitioners. The Parkinson’s network Münsterland+ (PNM+) is an interdisciplinary network of medical and non-medical experts involved in the treatment of Parkinson’s patients: neurologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, Parkinson’s nurses, pharmacists, patients, and relatives. The PNM+ elaborates guideline-based therapy recommendations, provided as so-called „Quickcards“. Thereby, the communication of the treating neurologist and therapists is based on a coordinated feedback system and suggestions to adequately select and, if necessary, adjust the therapy.
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Kerkemeyer, L., Achtert, K., Claus, I., Happe, S., Overbeck, J., Kleen, N., Palesch, A., Schmuck, C., Krouß, S., Perick, J., Depenbrock, L., Nagel, M., Siebecker, F., Rose, O., & Warnecke, T. (2020). Quickcard-Based Approach to Guiding Specific Nonpharmacological Treatments in a German Parkinson’s Network. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(7), 2272
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In: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Loewenbrück KF, Stein DB, Amelung VE, Bitterlich R, Brumme M, Falkenburger B, Fehre A, Feige T, Frank A, Gißke C, et al. Parkinson Network Eastern Saxony (PANOS): Reaching Consensus for a Regional Intersectoral Integrated Care Concept for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in the Region of Eastern Saxony, Germany. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020; 9(9):2906.
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Kai Löwenbrück, Doron Stein, Volker Amelung, Robert Bitterlich, Martin Brumme, Björn Falkenburger, Annekathrin Fehre, Tim Feige, Anika Frank, Carola Gißke, Claudia Helmert, Linda Kerkemeyer, Andreas Knapp, Caroline Lang, Annegret Leuner, Carina Lummer, Mirella Minkman, Gabriele Müller, Marlena van Munster, Hannes Schlieter, Peter Themann, Nick Zonneveld and Martin Wolz
Parkinson Network Eastern Saxony (PANOS): Reaching consensus for a regional intersectoral integrated care concept for patients with Parkinson’s disease in the regional of Eastern Saxony, Germany
As integrated care is recognized as crucial to meet the challenges of chronic conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), integrated care networks have emerged internationally and throughout Germany. One of these networks is the Parkinson Network Eastern Saxony (PANOS). PANOS aims to deliver timely and equal care to PD patients with a collaborative intersectoral structured care pathway. Additional components encompass personalized case management, an electronic health record, and communicative and educative measures.
Tino Prell, Frank Siebecker, Michael Lorrain, Carsten Eggers, Stefan Lorenzl, Jochen Klucken, Tobias Warnecke, Carsten Buhmann, Lars Tönges, Reinhard Ehret, Ingmar Wellach and Martin Wolz
Recommendations for standards for Network care for Patients with Parkinson’s disease in Germany
Although our understanding of Parkinson´s disease (PD) has improved and effective treatments are available, caring for people with PD remains a challenge. The large heterogeneity in terms of motor symptoms, nonmotor symptoms, and disease progression makes tailored individual therapy and individual timing of treatment necessary. At this point, networks can help to make better use of resources and improve care. The working group PD Networks and Integrated Care, part of the German Parkinson Society, is entrusted to convene clinicians, therapists, nurses, researchers, and patients to promote the development of PD networks.
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Prell, T., Siebecker, F., Lorrain, M., Eggers, C., Lorenzl, S., Klucken, J., Warnecke, T., Buhmann, C., Tönges, L., Ehret, R., Wellach, I., & Wolz, M. (2020). Recommendations for Standards of Network Care for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Germany. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(5), 1455.
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In: Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie
Eggers, C., Wolz, M., Warnecke, T., Prell, T., & Tönges, L. (2020). Parkinson-Netzwerke in Deutschland: Zukunft oder Utopie? Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie, 88(9).
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Carsten Eggers, Martin Wolz, Tobias Warnecke, Tino Prell und Lars Tönges
Parkinson-Netzwerke in Deutschland: Zukunft oder Utopie?
Die Parkinson-Krankheit erfordert von Diagnosestellung an eine enge Interaktion verschiedener Versorgungspartner, um eine bestmögliche Versorgung der Patientinnen und Patienten zu ermöglichen. Die Behandlungsrealität zeigt jedoch, dass hier oftmals noch deutliche Versorgungslücken bestehen. In den letzten Jahren wurde erkannt, dass die Bildung von Netzwerken zur Verbesserung der Versorgung von Parkinson-Patienten beitragen kann.
Tino Prell, Frank Siebecker, Michael Lorrain, Lars Tönges, Tobias Warnecke, Jochen Klucken, Ingmar Wellach, Carsten Buhmann, Martin Wolz, Stefan Lorenzl, Heinz Herbst, Carsten Eggers and Tobias Mai
Specialized staff for the care of people with Parkinson’s disease in Germany: An overview
Access to specialized care is essential for people with Parkinson´s disease (PD). Given the growing number of people with PD and the lack of general practitioners and neurologists, particularly in rural areas in Germany, specialized PD staff (PDS), such as PD nurse specialists and Parkinson Assistants (PASS), will play an increasingly important role in the care of people with PD over the coming years.
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Prell T, Siebecker F, Lorrain M, Tönges L, Warnecke T, Klucken J, Wellach I, Buhmann C, Wolz M, Lorenzl S, et al. Specialized Staff for the Care of People with Parkinson’s Disease in Germany: An Overview. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020; 9(8):2581.
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In: Journal of Parkinson’s Disease
Radder, Danique L.M. et al. ‘Recommendations for the Organization of Multidisciplinary Clinical Care Teams in Parkinson’s Disease’. 1 Jan. 2020:1087–1098.
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Danique Radder, Jorik Nonnekes, Marlies van Nimwegen, Carsten Eggers, Giovanni Abbruzzese, Guido Alves, Nina Browner, Ray Chaudhuri, Georg Ebersbach, Joaquim Ferreira, Jori Fleisher, Peter Fletcher, Giuseppe Frazzitta, Nir Giladi, Mark Guttmann, Robert Iansek, Suketu Khandar, Jochen Klucken, Anne-Louise Lafontaine, Connie Marras, John Nutt, Michael Okun, Sotirios Parashos, Marten Munneke and Bastiaan Bloem
Recommendation for the organization of multidisciplinary clinical care teams in Parkinson’s disease
Optimal management in expert centers for Parkinson’s disease (PD) usually involves pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, delivered by a multidisciplinary approach. However, there is no guideline specifying how this model should be organized. Consequently, the nature of multidisciplinary care varies widely.
Jenny Tennigkeit, Tim Feige, Maria Haak, Carina Hellqvist, Ümran Seven, Elke Kalbe, Jaqueline Schwarz, Tobias Warnecke, Lars Tönges, Carsten Eggers and Kai Löwenbrück
Structured care and self-management education for persons with Parkinson’s disease: Why the first does not go without the second – systematic review, experiences and implementation concepts from Sweden and Germany
Integrated care is regarded as a key for care delivery to persons with chronic long-term conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. For persons with Parkinson’s disease, obtaining self-management support is a top priority in the context of integrated care. Self-management is regarded as a crucial competence in chronic diseases since the affected persons and their caregivers inevitably take up the main responsibility when it comes to day-to-day management
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Tennigkeit J, Feige T, Haak M, Hellqvist C, Seven ÜS, Kalbe E, Schwarz J, Warnecke T, Tönges L, Eggers C, et al. Structured Care and Self-Management Education for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease: Why the First Does Not Go without the Second—Systematic Review, Experiences and Implementation Concepts from Sweden and Germany. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020; 9(9):2787
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